Kidou Sentai Iron Saga Wiki

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Welcome to the Kidou Sentai Iron Saga (機動戦隊アイアンサーガ) Wiki

Kidou Sentai Iron Saga (I-Saga for short) is a Chinese mobile RPG-game centered around mecha warfare. It was developed by GameDuchy and first released on the iOS app store and GooglePlay stores some time in August 2017. It was later localized by Sentai Inc. and released in Japan on June 28th, 2018. The Korean server was later released on December 18th, 2018.

This wiki is intended as a guide and community for English-speaking players of the game, but non-English speakers are welcome as well. Feel free to browse and contribute to the wiki.

Join our English Discord for more guides and information.

Game Data

Pilot List
Mech List
Parts List
Pet List
Pilots Mechs Parts Pets
Gift List
Skill List
Event List
Gifts Skills Co-Pilot Events


Previous Event Current Event Upcoming Event
File:Past Event.png File:Current Event.png File:Upcoming Event.png

External Links

Latest activity

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